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Dear reader, 

    Welcome to my lifestyle blog, Figure. I will be writing about cleaning, cooking, parenting, lifestyle, health and wellness, fitness, mental health, relationships and personal experiences. I just want to share a little bit about me and introduce myself. 

    I am passionate about efficiency, and finding the best ways to keep my life together while also having fun and being okay with making messes whether they were planned or not. I have had to make a lot of changes in my life after having a new baby, and I consider all of them good. My hope for her, is that she grows up to be independent and happy. 

Elodie Little

    I am in a two year relationship with my fiance Isaac. We started out just talking as friends when he lived in another state. All of a sudden he moved here with no car, no job, no money. I was in college at the University of Montana living in a dorm studying psychology and Pre-Law. Only six months into our relationship we moved in together into an apartment that suddenly became our home. We decided to have a baby, and nine months later our Elodie was born. I was eighteen when I got pregnant, and nineteen when I had her. I plan on writing my first article on my birthing experience, so I will just tell you for now, it was an adventure. 

Our gender reveal

    I came from a large family, with a lot of complicated relationships. My mother and father were married and divorced before I was one. My father met another woman who became my stepmom. She had a son with another man before they met and he soon became my brother. My stepmom and dad had two more babies who are my sisters. I used to spend one week at my dads house, then one week and my moms. On and off for years. Which as you can imagine, was a weird position to be in as a child. My mom had boyfriends, but never had another baby. So one week, I had the only child privilege of not having share toys, attention, food or anything. When I went to my dad's house, it was four children. I had to share everything. I had to learn how to balance that all out at a young age. When I turned sixteen, my mental health took a bad dive into depression. I was sad all of the time, I didn't have any good friends and I was very confused about my life. Shortly after my depression was treated, my dad and my stepmom began their divorce. I was never really surrounded with healthy relationships during my childhood. 

My dad and my sisters Emma and Kiran

    My sisters were always there for me, and we always had each other's backs. The last divorce was a nasty one, and it split a lot of people up, but never my siblings. I always had a strange sense of love and wasn't sure if I ever wanted to get married because of the things I witnessed. Isaac has changed my mind about all of it. I realized a lot about love and a lot about relationships. I'm not saying it doesn't take work, it absolutely does. Especially when you commit your blood to someone, and have a baby, it takes a lot of work. But it is all worth it. Seeing him become a father is one of the best gifts life has given me so far. 
    I am excited to share my life, my thoughts and ideas with people, and I hope that I can offer helpful advice by sharing my tips and experiences. If you have any questions or requests for topics, my business email is 
    Please subscribe and follow my blog to get notifications when I post, it helps a lot!

    Thank you!


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