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Showing posts from January, 2022

The Truth About Being a Mother

                                                           The Truth about Being a Mother      I didn't know what to expect when going into a pregnancy. I knew that there would be good times and I knew that there would be bad times, I just didn't know what exactly that meant. Parenthood, childhood, adulthood, it's all different for everyone. If there's one thing I wish I knew better before having a baby, it's myself. I was diagnosed with anxiety and depression at sixteen years old. I took medication for less than a week before I just decided I didn't need it anymore. I was feeling better after I had gone to therapy and talked to people about how I felt. I hadn't felt an ounce of anxiety since. My pregnancy went very smoothly, with almost no complications or concerns. I was happy, healthy and so was my family and baby.  The very night I brought my daughter home, I recognized every single danger that existed in my house. It wasn't just that the knives were